The RCMP will be facing a serious lawsuit after placing an Alberta man in jail while he was suffering a major stroke. According to CBC news, Alan Ruel’s life will never be the same after he was arrested by RCMP for public intoxication, when in fact he did not have a single drink. Ruel was placed in a Crossfield Alberta jail cell, where he was left un-attended and un-supervised for over 18 hours while he suffered the effects of a massive stroke. Due to a lawsuit, the RCMP surveillance film from Airdie detachment was provided to Go Public, which contained 18 hours and 18 minutes of Ruel’s time in the cell. The footage reveals disturbing images of Alan collapsing multiple times, then shows him laying slumped on the concrete floor, half-naked as he twitches helplessly from the stroke. “It was one of the worst days of my life,” Alan explains to Go Public. “I was absolutely terrified. I was scared. You’re alone. You’re cold. You don’t know why you’re there. There’s people that are supposed to help you… I actually thought I was going to die at one point, and the thing that scared me is that I was going to die alone.” So far a $6-million civil case has been opened, lead by veteran lawyer Curt Griffiths, who says that the evidence speaks strongly that police have violated standard operating procedures. To view the full story, click on the link below.
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