HHH&R Block Brothers ft. Ramone | 6ix Views Episode 40 Hosted By Guttzy Guttz


HHH & R Block Brothers | 6ix Views Uncut Full Episode 40

Ramone Interview | Fake Baby | Locked In Dominican | Music vs Acting & More

Coming 2 America Sequel | Did You Like It?

Lococity & 4 Toronto Rappers Locked After Akademiks Twitch Stream

Top5 & WhyG Court Footage Released | Courts Upset

Labels Look At Duvy | Best Lemon Pepper Freestyle

Montreal Protest | Pepe Le Pew & Cartoons Getting Cancelled

Why Toronto Women Like Trash Men

We got some great content today! PK Hercs steps in for a guest co-hosting! PLUS we have an exclusive interview with rapper, singer & actor Ramone!

Topics (In Order)
– Loco City arrested
– Court pics & videos are getting leaked
– Toronto Rappers go in on Lemon Pepper Freestyle
– Duvy looking at record deal
– MTL Protest(6IXBUZZ)
– Toronto Zoom counsel goes left
– Why are they cancelling cartoons?
– Do Toronto women like trash men?

Intro Beat
Quacktrick Swayzee: https://www.instagram.com/quackish_aka_quacktrick_swayze/

Song Played:
Cholocash x Princedawn – 5 Guys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUUvDMcjTbg
Buggz – Under Pressure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx0u-r0Z0RQ
RAMONE – Lemon Pepper Freestyle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLyCq6vVg24

Guttzy Guttz: www.instagram.com/guttzyguttz/
Gucci 416: https://www.instagram.com/g_u_c_c_i_416/
Friday Ricky Dred: www.instagram.com/fridayrickydred/
6ix Views: www.instagram.com/6ixviewsto/
We Love Hip Hop Network: www.instagram.com/welovehiphopnetwork/