Kim Kardashian Helps Free 17 Prisoners In 90 Days

Well it seems the wife of Kanye West is finally making the tabloids for doing something positive this time, as oppose to starring in adult films or being involved in some Hollywood scandal or another. In past months the popular reality TV star, Kim Kardashian, has been staying on the down low quietly helping to fund a campaign which would result in the release of 17 people who had previously been locked up on low-level drug offenses. TMZ reported early Tuesday that Kim K has helped free 17 prisoners over the last 90 days as part of the campaign, started by Decarceration collective lawyer MiAngel Cody and Kardashian’s attorney Brittany K. Barnett. Click below to view some of the examples of those who’ve been benefited from the initiative, which makes use of the 2018 First Step Act.
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