Frankie Payne in the building! We had a great convo about his Hip Hop beginnings! Jane Street days, Split Decision, Graffiti Logik to Jugganot(Brown Bricks) to now! Plus we have a full serving of Hip Hop tea on Tiger Woods, Drake, Lil Wayne and Baby in the same studios daily and MORE!
Frankie Payne: www.instagram.com/reachfrankie/
Friday: www.instagram.com/fridayrickydred/
PK Herc: www.instagram.com/ssc_heyhercs_pk/
Big Shout Out to Boroheads Glass Gallery @ 600 Church Street
Boroheads: www.instagram.com/boroheads/?hl=en
Toronto Organic: www.instagram.com/torontoorganics/?hl=en
SixSocksToronto: www.instagram.com/sixsockstoronto/?hl=en
Hip Hop Canada: www.instagram.com/hiphopcanada/